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Forest Rest Houses Of Himachal Pradesh

Since time immemorial, Himachal Pradesh has been identified with the Himalaya mountains, with deities, with legends and with immense natural beauty. This bounty of nature takes several forms — the majestic snow-covered peaks, rivers and lakes, forests and wildlife. This book opens a rare window to these orders of nature that can be accessed through the extensive network of Forest Rest Houses and Inspection Huts that are available with the State’s Forest Department. Today, the State has 465 Forest Rest Houses and Inspection Huts dotted across its length and breadth. Even now, given that the overwhelming population Of Himachal is rural, the Forest Department is often the face of Government in many remote areas. Officials are constantly travelling. Much of the travailing of the officers is on foot and these officials constantly use these rest houses’ while on tour, for accommodation and for the conduct of their work. Some of these rest houses date back to colonial years and others, are of more recent construction. This is an introduction to these environment-friendly structures that open rare vistas of Himachal’s woodland to visitors and travelers. This book highlights some of the more important Forest Rest Houses. Over twelve chapters, the ’Forest Rest Houses of Himachal Pradesh’ provides detailed descriptions of 131 rest houses and inspection huts (FRH’s/lH’s) along with photographs. The details of contact offices for online and offline bookings, besides a map providing the location of all the 465 FRHs/lHs, shall prove very handy to the nature lovers, trekkers and tourists.

₹ 750.00 + 100.00 Delivery Charges